Available in: Axsy Mobile for Salesforce, Axsy Field Service, Axsy Public Sector, Axsy Retail Execution

The Settings tab of the Axsy Mobile app in the Salesforce Web UI provides access to the Axsy Config Tool which is used for configuring the behaviour of the Axsy Mobile app. The Global tab for the Axsy Config Tool is where various global app settings are defined.


When viewing the Global tab of the Axsy Config Tool, selecting the Security option from the side menu presents settings related to how the Axsy Mobile app should allow or restrict devices from logging in and using the Axsy Mobile app.

Android / iOS / Windows
EnabledIf enabled (checked) devices with either Android / iOS / Windows OS's as applicable, can login and use the Axsy Mobile app.

if disabled (unchecked) all devices of either Android / iOS / Windows OS's as applicable, will not be able to login and use the Axsy Mobile apps.
Use this setting with caution
Minimum VersionMinimum allowable OS version.

Leave empty for no lower version limit.
Maximum VersionMaximum allowable OS version.

Leave empty for no upper version limit.
DevicesAllowedList of comma separated devices that can login and use the Axsy Mobile apps.

Leave empty to allow all devices.
BlockedList of comma separated devices that can not login and use the Axsy Mobile apps.

Leave empty to not block any devices.

Axsy's Mobile App Device Requirements, specifies minimum requirements for devices and OS's. Using the security settings specified above allows system administrators to apply the requirements to their users devices.

User Error Message

If a user attempts to login and any of the security settings prevent this, the following error message is shown to the user.

Error Event

A Security check error will be reported to the Events tab. By inspecting the JSON tab, details of the security setting breached will be available. In the example below the user is attempting to use a device with an OS lower than the minimum security setting.